Value of ORCID for Individuals

What is ORCID?

  • ORCID = Open Researcher & Contributor Identifier
  • ORCID iD = a free, unique, and persistent number that identifies you; crucial for distinguishing yourself from other people
    • Example:
    • ORCID is the new universal, interoperable CV - rather than updating a static word doc CV with your activities, use your ORCID iD record instead!
  • Register for your own ORCID iD at
  • Look for the ORCID iD icon  and use your ORCID iD whenever possible!

Why use ORCID?

Whether you have a common name, a unique name, or have changed names over the course of your life, using your ORCID iD when you publish, apply for grants, or report your activities will help to ensure that you get the credit you deserve for your affiliations and contributions.

As an individual, ORCID allows you to:

  • Maintain full control over your ORCID record and visibility of your data
  • Distinguish yourself from others
  • Ensure that you are accurately linked with your activities, works, and organizations with which you are affiliated
  • Improve the visibility of your contributions
  • Save time on repetitive data entry for funding, publishing, & research reporting workflows by sending your data directly from ORCID – if the organizations that you are affiliated with have an ORCID integration, you can save even more time by connecting your ORCID iD and allowing them to add updates to your ORCID record for you!
  • Keep track of your affiliated organizations in a free, interoperable platform throughout your career regardless of changes in name, institution, or discipline

Who uses ORCID?

  • Research institutions – over 190+ organizations in the US alone
  • Publishers110+ publishers requiring ORCID iD in publishing
  • Funders – see the open letter committing to requiring ORCID iDs for grant funding
  • Individual researchers – over 12 million people across the globe involved in research, innovation, & scholarly communication in multiple disciplines

Where to go for more information?
