Value of ORCID for Funders

What is ORCID?

  • ORCID = Open Researcher & Contributor Identifier
  • ORCID iD = a free, unique, persistent identifier to distinguish between individuals
  • ORCID record = linked to the ORCID iD, allows researchers to easily store and share info about their affiliations & activities over time
  • ORCID API (application programming interface) can be built into local systems to streamline grant application and reporting workflows
    • Example: SciENcv (biosketch tool used by NIH and NSF) imports publications, biography, employment, and education history directly from ORCID rather than asking researchers to manually enter their information
  • The ORCID organization is a global non-profit supported by a membership structure, with a governance board elected by member institutions

Who uses ORCID?

  • Research institutions – see ORCID US Community members (200+ research institutions in the US alone)
  • Publishers 110+ publishers requiring ORCID iD around the globe
  • Funders – increasingly requesting or requiring ORCID iDs for investigators (learn more)
  • Individuals – over 13 million people across the globe involved in research, innovation, & scholarly communication in multiple disciplines

Why use ORCID?

ORCID makes it easier for funders to assess awardee networks and influence & evaluate grant and program outputs and impact, by allowing funding organizations to:

  • Uniquely identify researchers and stay connected with alumni over time by collecting researchers' authenticated ORCID iDs
  • Streamline collection of trustworthy data about researchers and their activities by allowing researchers to populate grant applications and progress reports with data from their ORCID records (saving time and reducing administrative burden)
  • Confirm relationships with researchers in the broader research landscape by writing funding award information to researchers’ ORCID records

ORCID Resources for Funders

Where to go for more information?

  • Find out how ORCID can benefit your organization specifically – email to set up a consultation
